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Wallace Named "Expert" at (KITH), a new website for parents featuring advice from more than 150 educators, doctors, psychologists and other youth professionals, has named Stephen as a contributing expert.  Stephen’s presence on the site – referred to as “the ultimate parenting resource,”  includes multiple videos covering multiple topics including cheating, curfews, shoplifting, role-modeling, substance use, depression, privacy, mentoring

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YNN Features Wallace on Bullying

SADD chairman Steve Wallace is currently on a tour to discuss school bullying. A recent stop was at the Doane Stuart School in Rensselaer. Bullying many not be anything new, but it’s a problem that continues to grow…something that can affect grades an attendance on top of self-esteem. One thing that may help…more student/parent communication.

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Wallace Speaks for SADD/Liberty Mutual Speaker Series in West Grove, PA

On Thursday October 21, Stephen spoke to parents at Avon Grove Charter School in West Grove, PA.  This Parent Power program was sponsored by Liberty Mutual Insurance and featured information about underage drinking and other drug use, teen bullying, violence, and suicide and the role of mentors, including parents and grandparents, in influencing young people

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