Family Focus Program

Stephen’s Family Focus Program is an evening event bringing young people and their parents together for a dynamic, motivational presentation that highlights the importance of open, honest family communication.  Using stories, humor, and original research, Stephen empowers all family members to embrace the power they have to guide choices toward safe and healthy lifestyles.  He also makes available easy to use guides and tools to get important conversations started! The question and answer portion of the evening invites critical dialogue and allows parents and teens to hear perspectives, concerns, and hopes of those they love.


“Stephen Wallace speaks to adults and students with the same immediacy and passion. His solid facts back up his assertions. His caring dedication to young people wins over his audience and holds people in rapt attention.”

Dr. Richard Enemark, Headmaster, Doane Stuart School

“I recently had the opportunity to hear Stephen speak to parents and teenagers at a New England prep school over Parent’s Weekend. His book, Reality Gap, is a must read for all parents, aunts, uncles, and adults who have children in their lives. A truly impressive presenter, speaker, and a professional who believes in and cares about teenagers and their trials and tribulations. His speeches are smart, honest, and first-hand accounts of what today’s teenagers encounter.”              

Melanie Marken, Tilton School

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