The Road Ahead: Stay Safe at the Wheel

This is an important time in teenagers’ lives — when they will develop driving habits that can be good and bad. Parents need to take an active role in helping teens develop safe driving behaviors because teenagers are involved in more car accidents than any other age group.

That’s why Liberty Mutual has partnered with RADD, the entertainment industry’s voice for road safety, to create a teen safe driving kit, The Road Ahead: Stay Safe at the Wheel, which includes a family discussion guide, safe driving pledge, and video. On the video, teens talk candidly with SADD Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Stephen Wallace about life behind the wheel — speeding, drinking, drugging, seat belt use, distractions, and more. Eye-opening excerpts from the HBO Family documentary “Smashed: Toxic Tales of Teens and Alcohol” are also included, with teens’ reactions and lessons learned.

For your free copy, call toll-free 1-800-4-LIBERTY, contact your local Liberty Mutual office, or visit Liberty Mutual’s Web site at

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