December 1st, JFK Library, Boston
SADD Honors Stephen Wallace
Dear Families and Friends,
Below is a “Save the Date” announcement for SADD’s (Students Against Destructive Decisions) inaugural “Friends for Life” Gala, honoring one of our own, Stephen Wallace, Cape Cod Sea Camps’ resident director, for his 15 years of outstanding service as SADD’s chair and CEO.
Nancy Garran, CCSC Executive Director, is one of the event committee members for the event. The gala will be held at the JFK Library and Museum in Boston on Thursday, Dec. 1 from 6:00 – 9:30PM.
Founded in 1981 as Students Against Driving Drunk, SADD has evolved to meet the changing needs of youth and is now the nation’s leading peer-to-peer youth education, prevention, and activism organization.
Since 1970, Stephen has been a camper, counselor, head counselor and resident director of Cape Cod Sea Camps Teen Leadership program. His career has involved camp leadership, school counseling, teaching, writing articles, authoring Reality Gap, as well as becoming an advocate for youth on a national level. He has embraced a forward-thinking vision which has contributed greatly to SADD and Cape Cod Sea Camps as well as providing relevant parenting resources to families in an ever-changing environment.
Please mark your calendars and if you are interested in participating in this memorable event, simply click on the photo below and register. You may also contact the event coordinator, Carol McKean, at 781.925.3459 to learn more about this occasion or ways to become a sponsor.
Thank you!