Reality Gap Named One of 50 Best Parenting Books for Families with Tweens and Teens  We get thousands of submissions of parenting books for our teen reviewers and Vanessa Van Petten.  Here are some of our favorites for you to check out.  We have parenting books for parents of all ages with all specialties! We have included descriptions by the author about each of their books.

Reality Gap: Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex—What Parents Don’t Know and Teens Aren’t Telling by Stephen Wallace,  CEO of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

Reality Gap paints an alarming portrait of a modern-day adolescence filled with potentially deadly behaviors carefully hidden from the view of parents and other adults. But it is also a book about hope and inspiration, pointing to the incredibly powerful role that parents and other mentors can play in the lives of young people and highlighting the tremendous contributions that many teens are making to their families, schools, and communities.

Read what others have to say!

“Reality Gap provides wisdom, insight, and invaluable information about what families, communities, policy makers, and teens themselves need to do to promote health and safety among our nation’s youth. This book exemplifies why the vision, voice, and leadership of Stephen Wallace are vital national resources for fostering positive development among today’s young people.”
– Richard M. Lerner, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development, Tufts University

“Once in a while a brilliant book crosses your path, compelling you to read it cover to cover. Reality Gap is such a book. As a youth professional and a mother, the reality of what my children and all children face every day startled me. But then I found stories of hope and resiliency amid its chapters, and I remembered again the role we can all play to help every child triumph.”
– Peg L. Smith, CEO, American Camp Association

“Here are practical strategies that encourage safe decision-making among young people, along with their absorbing true-life stories, making it a must-read for parents, educators, and counselors – all of us who care about teens.”
– Karen Unger, author of Where Should I Sit at Lunch? The Ultimate 24/7 Guide to Surviving the High School Years

“Reality Gap is a bible for parenting through the teenage years. It debunks harmful myths parents and the media hold dear, and offers useful tactics for effectively parenting a teen. Any mom or dad being tested by their teenager will want to own a copy.”
– Leanna Landsmann, syndicated columnist, “A+ Advice for Parents”

“Wallace doesn’t just sound an alarm. He offers parents very practical advice they can act on.”
– Marissa Gehley, Coordinator of School Safety & Burbank OutReach Center (CA)

“Stephen Wallace sounds a wake-up call to parents of adolescents in this insightful, important new book. Though many parents tend to hang back in their teens’ lives, assuming they have become irrelevant, Wallace charges them with stepping up to the plate and looking at ways to promote positive rather than negative risk-taking in their teens. Part of the reality gap is that teens just want their parents out of their hair; the truth is that they themselves ask for appropriate limit-setting. Using examples from his vast experience with parents and adolescents, Wallace points the way to a better solution to substance abuse and reckless behavior in the teen population. He gives us clear, easy-to-follow instructions that are based in love, facilitated through communication, and never end, no matter how old our children get. A vital read for every parent of a teenager!”
– Judith Sachs, Editorial Director, Parenting Teens Network

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