Wallace's New Camping Magazine Article Offers Pathway Toward Combining Traditional Learning and College Prep with Experiential Summer Experiences

Stepne’s new feature article for Camping Magazine, “Internship, Test Prep – or Camp? Summer Planning amid the Noise and Haste,” focuses on the challenges and often-competing demands families face when choosing summer options for teens, sugsuggesting they need not be an “either/or” proposition and there are ways to “havee it all.” The piece includes invaluable resources from TeenLife Media, a collaborator at the Center for Adolescent Research and Education (CARE), commentary from Dr. Barry Garst, a CARE Senior Research Fellow from Clemson Universiy and he entrepreneurial work of John Failla, founder of Trilogy Mentors. John is a graduate of the teen leadership program at the Cape Cod Sea Camps in Brewster, MA.
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