Wallace Comments on Teens, Sleep, and Driving

In a November 10th press release from SADD and Liberty Mutual Insurance, Stephen comments on new research from both organizations highlighting the dangers of drowsy driving by teens. According to the survey, teens who get less than eight hours of sleep per night on average are twice as likely to say they have fallen asleep at the wheel (20 percent) than are teens who report getting an average of eight or more hours of sleep per night (ten percent).  Responding to the research, Stephen said, “Unfortunately, ‘early to bed, early to rise’ doesn’t synch well with suddenly nocturnal teens who are balancing late nights, early mornings, and jam-packed schedules.”  Stephen added, “They want to do it all, but our job is to help them regulate competing demands in a way that ensure they get the sleep they need to stay safe behind the wheel.”

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