Parent Power Program

Stephen’s Parent Power Program is a day time or evening program for parents of middle and high school students.    This important presentation provides parents with a “behind-the-scenes” look at today’s adolescence experience.  Supported by fresh, original research and three-decades of work with youth and families, Stephen aims to empower parents to play an even more influential role in the choices that their children make, emphasizing key parent-child communication and how to make it work!


“Stephen is persuasive, knowledgeable, and personable. He has a vast amount of experience and spends a great deal of time with children asking, listening, sharing, and guiding. Stephen is a moving and passionate speaker, and I would highly recommend him.”

– Kay Wynant, Parent

“Stephen’s energy and enthusiasm, as well as his tremendous knowledge and experience gave the parents renewed faith that adults can make a difference in the lives of their teens.”

– Alison Eichler, Parent

“Stephen Wallace speaks to adults and students with the same immediacy and passion. His solid facts back up his assertions. His caring dedication to young people wins over his audience and holds people in rapt attention.”

– Dr. Richard Enemark, Headmaster, Doane Stuart School

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