Stephen Wallace

Wallace Speaks to the Importance of Positive Risk Taking and Resiliency in new Psychology Today Piece

Stephen’s new article for Psychology Today, Parenting Teens for Positive Risks and Resiliency, delineates potentially harmful outcomes of negative risk taking from the beneficial results of positive risk taking and shares critical information about the role of resiliency among youth.

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Wallace Addresses Summer Camp For Teens in New Camping Magazine Article

Stephen’s new feature article for the January/February 2023 edition of Camping Magazine, “How to Run a Teen Program at a Summer Camp Wary of Teenagers,” discusses the value-added of experiential learning for adolescents and points to reasons why camps should embrace this particular cohort. This topic will be the basis of his presentation at the

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Wallace Shines Light on Boy’s Development in New Camping Magazine Feature Article

Stephen’s new feature article in the November/December issue of Camping Magazine, “Lost Boys: Finding Their Way at Summer Camp,” explores the circuitous path of optimal youth development for boys and how, ultimately, many find their way at summer camp. It includes a deep dive on identity formation in adolescence, new learnings about youth mental health,

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Wallace’s New Column Explores the Dangers Associated with America’s Ambivalence About Yoputh and Alcohol

Stephen’s new column, “America’s Ambivalence About Youth and Alcohol May Put Kids at Risk,” explores the prevalent dialogue surrounding underage drinking and how we may be putting young people at risk. It provides tips to parents (and other caring adults) as how best to talk with young people about alcohol and other drug use as

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Wallace Discusses Youth Transition From High School to College

Stephen’s new column on Linkedin, “August and Everything After,” discusses young people’s transition from high school to college and includes tips on what parents of college-bound teens may want to talk about prior to their departure, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness. and relationship management. It also covers subjects such as substance use, peer pressure, sexual behavior,

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